Kamis, Agustus 04, 2011

laptop was expensive in the world

hy friends met again at my blog, this time I would love the title of my post about the laptop was expensive in the world, is already a great many laptops laptop tapu not necessarily the quality but if this one is new in accordance with its title of most expensive laptop so the laptop is it is clear that sophisticated goods bandroel this laptop at a price of 1.8 billion or about U.S. $ 207.900. the front of the MacBook Air Supreme ice Edition is coated with platinum while other parts of shiny aluminum covered to get the effect like the sparkling ice. Section 53 diamond Apple logo covered IF (internally flawless) 25.5 carats.

This portable computer weighs 2.5 pounds. But in his official website, Stuart Hughes did not explain the MacBook specs are only made as many as ten units.

Before designing the MacBook Air Supreme Ice Edition, Hughes has been designing the look out a number of gadgets such as Nokia Series Diamond, iPhone 3G Supreme Rose, and Diamond series BlackBerry.

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