Sabtu, Juni 25, 2011

Philosophy and Technology ERP Goong

Have long nich ngak post articles, because padetnya activity in developing applications "9oon9" - ERP, speaking about the philosophy, goong name taken from a typical musical instruments native to Indonesia Sundanese people, certainly all know colleagues bentuknnya, we take it because goong "echoed", and also if there is no goong in typical Sundanese music playing something was missing .. goong but it is also often used as symbols in an inauguration of any opening that type of activity, so the expected application oon9 '9 'can be echoed and can be used on any type of business .. Amien .. Then the letter "9oon9" itself has significance where the letter "G" we make the number "9" (nine), so maknannya we recognize that we as human beings are stupid or we know called "OON" it's just that we as human beings .. because all Muslim religious team, then there is an accompanying and always watching over us that is God Almighty which has 99 names or known as "Asmaul Husna" .. so if we incorporate it into a "9 - oon - 9", because we believe that no human power in an attempt to make something without permission segelumit HIS ... nah it will be said about the philosophy and why we menamain these applications as a "9oon9", apart from philosophy as well but hopefully the point of this application can be beneficial and can advance our nation because this application is intended for both .. Amien.
Ok, hopefully been able to answer questions about the philosophy of "9oon9", now there are questions arise why why use English rather than Indonesian, a very good question, actually we want to make it, but many in the business world that uses the universal languages (UK), even with Indonesian Foreign fact that there are terms that we tend to get to know the English language, but also we want to Feeding Children Nations, so that we can compete with applications from Outside ... Amien
Now we discuss about the technology that we developed in this 9oon9 application, this application we design mengabungkan 2 technology is popular in the world of IT, namely technological ease of updates and changes (WEB) technology and ease of use (User Friendly Window-Based Desktop GUI) . We developed the technology in the affairs of WEB Applications and Business Process / Logic, and the technology we develop Windows GUI applications to display "Input, Report" to the User .. so if we are describing is as follows ...
Rate translation

9oon9 Technology
9oon9 Technology
Jadi dengan mekanisme teknologi ini, para pengguna aplikasi “9oon9′ akan mendapatkan 2 keuntungan sekaligus, karena dari sisi technical, akan mudah memaintenace aplikasi, semudah memaintenance aplikasi berbasis Web, karena pada sisi user hanya terinstall goong browser, sejenis browser berbasis IE Automation seperti halnya browser Firefox,Opera atau Chrome yang jadi dapat digunakan juga sebagai browser untuk membuka situs-situs di Internet, kemudian keuntungan yang kedua adalah, kemudahan dari sisi user karena User Interfacennya berbasis GUI Windows yang sangat terkenal “User Friendly”, selain kedua hal tersebut adalah dari sisi server, biasannya aplikasi berbasis web menggunakan aplikasi server seperti Apache, IIS dsb, tapi ’9oon9′ memiliki aplikasi server sendiri yang berbasis “WINSOCK“, yang kami sebut dengan nama GBOS ( 9oon9 business object server ), mengapa hal itu kami lakukan ?, yang pertama karena aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi business, maka kami ingin memberikan keamanan lebih bagi para pengguna dalam menggunakan aplikasi “9oon9″ ini, sehingga aplikasi ini menjamin keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi si pengguna aplikasi .., karena dengan menggunakan aplikasi server sendiri, kita dapat membuat role/aturan sendiri .. sesuai dengan keinginan user, sehingga tingkat keamanan dapat diatur sedemikian rupa, contohnya kita dapat atur user yang mengakses dari mekanisme IP bahkan hingga mencatat dari nomor-nomor seri yang ada pada komputer si pengguna seperti nomor hardisk, mac address .. mengapa itu dilakukan ? .. karena sistem akan berjalan di “hutan rimba internet” dimana hukum rimba dapat berlaku, berikut ini tampilan dari “9oon9 browser

Tampilan 9oon9 Business dalam 9oon9 Browser Dengan Merah Putih Ada Di kanan Atas
Tampilan 9oon9 Business dalam 9oon9 Browser Dengan Merah Putih Ada Di kanan Atas
Tampilan PHPMyadmin dalam 9oon9 Browser
Tampilan PHPMyadmin dalam 9oon9 Browser
Tampilan Facebook dalam 9oon9 Browser
Tampilan Facebook dalam 9oon9 Browser
Tampilan Google dalam 9oon9 Browser
Tampilan Google dalam 9oon9 Browser
Tamplilan Menu 9oon9 Business Solution
Tamplilan Menu 9oon9 Business Solution

9oon9 business object server


gBOS - Run at Windows Server 2008 64 Bit
gBOS - Run at Windows Server 2008 64 Bit

nah, itu sekelumit mengenai 9oon9 business, untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami di, jangan khawatir mengenai masalah harga dan masalah license, karena database yang kami gunakan adalah database Open Source, dan aplikasi kami design sendiri,  jadi sangat-sangat fleksible, bagi kami yang penting biaya dan ongkos implementasi dapat tergantikan … jadi kami sangat membuka kesempatan kepada Institusi dan baik instutusi negara, pendidikan maupun swasta untuk dapat bekerja sama dengan kami … terima kasih …

Goong ERP – Hasil Karya Anak Bangsa (ERP Asli Buatan Indonesia)

ERP world in Indonesia is still dominated by products outside, so many dollars that are sent to this nation out of the country .. This condition seemed to wince once plasticity, as a nation that on average this smart, applies only as lovers and users only .. Whether it is mental this beloved nation, while scattered clay ERP applications but I do not support the existence of mutual support, which eventually fell off one by one, and it's not just in the business applications industry have turned out .. sector but in other technologies such as the automotive industry .. many engineers many doctors, but which until recently foreign products are widely used although there but not significant, our nation can only make a "muffler" that brisik it and make light glare that makes it ... When I was given the opportunity to walk into industrialized nations out there .. look at all that the people-his people loved their own products, especially the "Japan" .. woih banget tuch pool, it is time our nation rise, starting from the small (if the word Aa) correspond to areas controlled by ... nah speak it, my team and try to use methods that do the "Japan" on as of yore .. ie Purchase later Unloading and Learn then create a resource like this with the possible result as it is today .. an ERP application device, where the module is complete and can be compared with the ERP products currently available .. for that we really need the support .. either from the Board of Education and Industry to provide an opportunity for us to be a product application that can boast of this nation .. For that we are open for cooperation of government agencies, education, industry to support new product "The Work of the Son of the Nation" This is, if talking price could well be negotiated many roads lead to Rome, if the problem fiture please give us a chance to mempersentasikannya, and if talk support, we opened as wide as business partners, so that not only we who control .. for more information please visit, the following screen capture from Goong Business ...
Main Menu

Chart of Account
Employee Management
Document Approval

Production Plan Gantt Chart
CRM Dashboard

Inventory Management
Warehouse Management
Dashboard Management

Trade and Logistic

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